

目前顯示的是 3月, 2009的文章

PROJECT 365, #075

I was taking a bus to go home. There were two little boys who were playing their toy cars. Lovely. Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS

PROJECT 365, #074

Oops...It is almost midnight!! I have to find a subject, and take a picture for my Project 365 loh!! God bless you all, my friends. Information: Camera: Nikon D90 Lens: Tokina AF 71-210mm/f4-5.6 Strobe: YinYan CY-20 with tripod

PROJECT 365, #072

PROJECT 365, #073

Today, we went to visit a small village, Bulaubulau. There are many sheeps which are chewing grass, so cute. Bulaubulau is a nice place, but they limits 30 visiters a day. If you want to visit there, you should book a reservation first.

PROJECT 365, #070

PROJECT 365, #071

PROJECT 365, #069

PROJECT 365, #056

Information: Camera: Seagull 4B-I Film: 樂凱 SHD100, 120

PROJECT 365, #058

I invite my friend 小P to join our party in this night. We open a bottle of wine. I disassemble a LOMO SMENA 8M, and show him the architecture of camera. It is nice. We have a great night togeher. Information: Camera: Seagull 4B-I Film: 樂凱 SHD100, 120

PROJECT 365, #068

I walked along the underground street and saw an exhibition of paints. These paints are good, but there is no one to stop their steps, and takes a look on the paints. Busy people, busy traffic, and a busy city. Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei City Hall Station

PROJECT 365, #066

Information: Camera: Nikon FM2 Lens: Nikkor AF 50mm/f1.8 Film: Fujifilm X-TRA 400 push iso1600 Location: 薰衣草森林

PROJECT 365, #067

Information: Camera: Nikon FM2 Lens: Nikkor AF 50mm/f1.8 Film: Fujifilm X-TRA 400 push iso1600 Location: Taichung City

PROJECT 365, #065

DOORS OPEN!! Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: YungHe City, Taipei County

PROJECT 365, #060

We ordered a cup of coffee at Starbucks, and waited for the next train to 鶯歌.I bought six beautiful cups there, good!! Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei Main Station

PROJECT 365, #063

My GF and I are trying to take a picture with post-synchornized flash. It is a mistake that I press the shutter button. Well, the pictue looks good. So we try to take something better, and this is the result. Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei City

PROJECT 365, #064

PROJECT 365, #059

I shoot a self-portrait from the mirror. The compsition is interesting. This is the first time to create a production of art, I think, by myself. Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei 101





Information: Camera: Nikon FM2 Lens: Nikkor AF 50mm/f1.8 Film: Fujicolor Superia 100, expired for 7 years


廢棄了的大溪神社,只剩石碑空留回憶。 Information: Camera: Nikon FM2 Lens: Nikkor AF 50mm/f1.8 Film: Fujicolor Superia 100, expired for 7 years


Information: Camera: Nikon FM2 Lens: Nikkor AF 50mm/f1.8 Film: Fujicolor Superia 100, expired for 7 years


Information: Camera: Nikon FM2 Lens: Nikkor AF 50mm/f1.8 Film: Fujicolor Superia 100, expired for 7 years

PROJECT 365, #054

PROJECT 365, #054 Originally uploaded by PRLiu She is my friend's daughter, and has beautiful eyes. Sweety, you are so cute!!

PROJECT 365, #055

PROJECT 365, #055 Originally uploaded by PRLiu

PROJECT 365, #057

PROJECT 365, #057 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Barbie is 50 years old...!! (Oh my God...)

PROJECT 365, #051

PROJECT 365, #051 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Tonight, we were going to see the movie. But unfortunately, it is too late to have it. So, maybe we should go there early at next time loh... Well, the movie, Red Cliff, is not recommended. It is a boring movie, and the story of movie is not accordance with history. By the way, Ellen did buy a new digital camera tonight!! Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Xi-Men, Taipei City

PROJECT 365, #052 and #053

PROJECT 365, #052 and #053 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Damn! My SD Card is Dead!! I'm so angry!! My RiData SDHC 16GB (Lightning Series, Class 6) card is fucking dead! I can't read pictures of Day 52 and 53 of my Project 365. I will never buy RiData's products, again. Fucking RiData!!

PROJECT 365, #049

PROJECT 365, #049 Originally uploaded by PRLiu This is the first time to draw a picture with light. The idea comes from Picasso, who is a greatest artist in last century. I don't know the name of the work. Please refer to the address as below: http://it.people.com.cn/BIG5/139307/139310/8413853.html

PROJECT 365, #050

PROJECT 365, #050 Originally uploaded by PRLiu The film is expired for 7 years. It is an experience for having an expired film. Well, don't use it!! Information : Camera: Nikon FM2 Lens: Tokina 70-210mm/f4-5.6 Film: Fujicolor Superia 100, expired date: 2002-11-30

PROJECT 365, #047

PROJECT 365, #047 Originally uploaded by PRLiu It is a rainy night. There is a lady who is gazing steadily at the distant place. Information: Camera: Nikon FM2 Lens: Nikkor AF 50mm/f1.8 Film: Fujicolor Superia 100, expired date: 2002-11-30 Aperture: f1.8 Shutter: 1/250, three tims exposures Location: Taipei city

PROJECT 365, #048

PROJECT 365, #048 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Strawberry... Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Yung-He City, Taipei County

PROJECT 365, #045

PROJECT 365, #045 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Today, we joined a wedding party of my classmate. After the party, We also went to Da-Xi. Both of us have a great time at there. Information: Camera: Nikon D90 Lens: Tokina AT-X 124 12-24mm/f4 Strobe: Nikon SB-800 Speed Light

PROJECT 365, #046

PROJECT 365, #046 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Tonight, we went to a sea food restaurant. This salad is mixed with fish, octopus, vegetable, tomato, and apple. It is very delicious, and all of materials are very fresh. Recommend. Information: Camera: Nikon D90 Location:Ao-Di, Taipei County

PROJECT 365, #044

PROJECT 365, #044 Originally uploaded by PRLiu This afternoon, Carol bring some cookies to us. Well, it is so nice, we have cookies for afternoon tea loh!! :D (But Ellen says, her heart is broken...:P) Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei City

PROJECT 365, #042

PROJECT 365, #042 Originally uploaded by PRLiu This is kind of a Taiwanese light repast which is very delicious. I don't know what is its name in English, but we call it "Ba-Wan" in Taiwanese. Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 40 Location: Yung-He City

PROJECT 365, #043

PROJECT 365, #043 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: 228 Memorial Park, Taipei City

PROJECT 365, #040

PROJECT 365, #040 Originally uploaded by PRLiu McDonald, kids like to go there for fun, for foods, and for toys. It's open for 24hrs. I don't like it very much. But it is an option for dining. Information: Camera: Nikon D90 Lens: Nikkor AF 50mm/f1.8 Location: Yung-He City

PROJECT 365, #041

PROJECT 365, #041 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Double Exposure?? No!! It is just only one shoot. Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei City

PROJECT 365, #039

PROJECT 365, #039 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Information: Camera: LOMO SMENA 8M Film: Fujifilm X-TRA 400 Lens: with 0.5x wide lens

PROJECT 365, #037

PROJECT 365, #037 Originally uploaded by PRLiu We have our afternoon tea, but it is 17:30 already. My colleague, Ellen, who is showing her cake to me. Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei City

PROJECT 365, #038

PROJECT 365, #038 Originally uploaded by PRLiu This afternoon, My GF and I walked on a street. I looked up to the sky, and saw a tower above my head. It is a beautiful composition with a cloudy background. Information: Camera: Olympus PEN EE-3 Film: Rainbow 7 Shutter: 1/40 Aperture: f16

PROJECT 365, #035

PROJECT 365, #035 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Fight to FAT. Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei Main Station

PROJECT 365, #036

PROJECT 365, #036 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Master Wu is a cultural relic protector, and is also a rubbing master. It is my rest day. I pick my camera up, and take the metro to Long-Shan Temple. I would like to have something special. Fortunately, I meet Master Wu, who shows me the traditional cultural. Thank you. Visit Master Wu's website. www.lyu.org.tw Information: Camera: Nikon D90 Lens: Tokina AT-X 124 12-24mm/f4 Location: Long-Shan Temple

PROJECT 365, #034

PROJECT 365, #034 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Fred, who is glad to have his own new strobe. We test the flash light, and take a shoot in the coffee shop. Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: YungHe City

PROJECT 365, #033

PROJECT 365, #033 Originally uploaded by PRLiu In fact, this picture was not taken in Feb. 16, but it was an event which happend in the day. It was 2:30 AM in Feb. 17 morning, and I had to go to my office for a go production job. My colleague and I were busy working. When I returned my home, it was 10 to 7 o'clock in Feb. 17 morning. :P Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei County

PROJECT 365, #030

PROJECT 365, #030 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Information: Camera: Nikon D90 Location: Taipei County

PROJECT 365, #031

PROJECT 365, #031 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Happy Valentine's Day. Information: Camera: Nikon D90 Location: Yi-Lan County

PROJECT 365, #029

PROJECT 365, #029 Originally uploaded by PRLiu Information: Camera: Canon IXUS 850IS Location: Taipei City